About Us

Welcome to Aangan of Kutch

Aangan of Kutch is a private enterprise sprung forth with the intent of providing authentic, intrinsic ethnic ready-to-wear products and preserving the link to Indian history, tradition, and culture.

The intricate and colorful hand embroidery is done by the women of Kutch, empowering them with sustainable socio-economic development, income, and growth – enabling them to become players rather than pawns.

Each and every garment is designed and crafted with utmost care, blending traditional techniques, skills, and hand-crafted processes.

At Aangan of Kutch, we strive to empower women by creating a viable market for their works of art, thereby preserving India’s traditional handicrafts along the way.

The Vision

  • “The Earth without art is just an ‘eh’.”
  • “Art speaks where words are unable to explain.”
  • “Art is where work meets love and life.”
  • “Art is where the invisible renders itself to clear vision.”
  • “Art is when invisible patterns transform to vision clear and come to life due to magical fingers.”

We at Aangan of Kutch aim to fortify and promote the rich artisanal skills inherited and handed down through generations.

We strive to create an environment through our efforts, combining and fusing age-old traditional culture with modern designs of vibrant, sustainable craft. Our platform ensures all contributors receive appropriate appreciation and recognition. This initiative not only preserves but also restores the pride and glory of bygone traditions and cultural art.

Our Products

The Mission

We, at Aangan of Kutch, commit ourselves to work in tandem with and support our designers, artisans, clientele, and entrepreneurs. Our mission is to expand our business while distributing mutual benefits all around – providing artisans and designers their rightful dues, offering customers a product worthy of great value for their money, and ensuring entrepreneurs receive bountiful returns on their investments.

We also work on protecting our ecosystem and enhancing and enriching life.